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After a career in higher education as a professor and dean, I now focus on two activities I find rewarding: writing and mentoring students in education and the social sciences as they navigate the research process. Guiding students through research was a constant throughout my academic career, and that passion continues beyond the classroom.
My writing is shaped by a lifetime of experiences I enjoy sharing. I've lived in 12 states and two territories, spent much of my life on islands, traveled throughout the Pacific and beyond, and even worked as a lighthouse keeper back when that was still a thing. (To read about the lighthouse and its ghost, see Marginalia: Matinicus Rock in Woven Words.) Stories, movement, and discovery have always drawn me in—hence, the wandering part of Wandering Word Weaver.
In the future, research and writing consultation will be exported to another site, for the time being, this website will serve two purposes:
On the Woven Words page, you’ll find poetry, essays, articles, and eventually fiction—all pieces influenced by my experiences.
The Academic Research/Writing section provides guidance for students tackling the complexities of educational and social science research. Whether you need help designing a study or refining an academic paper, you’ll find resources there.
Feel free to explore, read, and if something resonates with you, follow the Contact Me link—I’d love to connect.
Craig D. Lewis, Ed.D.
In my blog, Woven Words, you’ll find a mix of my writing, spanning different themes and genres:
The Academic Research/Writing section offers guidance for students navigating the complexities of educational and social science research. Whether you need help designing a study or refining an academic paper, you’ll find resources here, along with an overview of the fee-based services I provide.